Species pages are listed here in reverse chronological order. This should help users of Odonata of India easily find and visit the latest species pages. Also see the list of identification keys, and the list of species pages with photographs of early stages on this website.

340. Lyriothemis spp, created 2022/01/29.
339. Esme spp – Bambootails, created 2022/01/29.
338. Lestes spp, created 2022/01/29.
337. Calicnemia spp, created 2022/01/29.
336. Copera spp – Bush Darts, created 2022/01/28.
335. Ceriagrion spp – Marsh Darts, created 2022/01/28.
334. Sympetrum spp, created 2022/01/28.
333. Pseudagrion spp – Sprites, created 2022/01/26.
332. Gynacantha spp – Duskhawkers, created 2022/01/22.
331. Aeshna mixta – Migrant Hawker, created 2022/01/20.
330. Scalmogomphus spp, created 2022/01/20.
329. Coeliccia spp – Sylvans, created 2022/01/20.
328. Orthetrum spp – Marsh Hawks, created 2022/01/12.
327. Burmagomphus cauvericus, created 2021/12/29.
326. Crocothemis erythraea – Broad Scarlet, created 2021/12/13.
325. Macromia flavocolorata, created 2021/12/13.
324. Megalestes micans, created 2021/12/04.
323. Lamelligomphus risi, created 2021/10/20.
322. Sarasaeschna khasiana, created 2021/10/07.
321. Zyxomma breviventre, created 2021/10/04.
320. Nannophyopsis clara – Emerald Dwarf, created 2021/10/03.
319. Phyllothemis eltoni, created 2021/10/03.
318. Ceriagrion calamineum, created 2021/10/03.
317. Heliogomphus spirillus, created 2021/09/15.
316. Idionyx gomantakensis – Goan Shadow Dancer, created 2021/09/11.
315. Cephalaeschna triadica, created 2021/08/26.
314. Protosticta himalaica, created 2021/07/13.
313. Megalogomphus hannyngtoni, created 2021/06/10.
312. Protosticta fraseri, created 2021/05/13.
311. Chlorogomphus fraseri, created 2021/05/05.
310. Anaciaeschna martini – Azure-striped Duskhawker, created 2021/04/06.
309. Cephalaeschna patrai – Patra's Montane Darner, created 2021/03/26.
308. Idionyx stevensi, created 2021/03/06.
307. Cordulegaster brevistigma, created 2020/12/25.
306. Orthetrum erythronigrum – Nicobar Forest Hawk, created 2020/11/03.
305. Periaeschna unifasciata, created 2020/10/22.
304. Protosticta myristicaensis – Myristica Reedtail, created 2020/10/10.
303. Protosticta cyanofemora – Blue-legged Reedtail, created 2020/10/10.
302. Orientogomphus indicus, created 2020/10/06.
301. Libellago blanda, created 2020/10/05.
300. Nososticta nancowra – Nancowry Threadtail, created 2020/10/05.
299. Platylestes kirani – Kiran's Spreadwing, created 2020/09/28.
298. Anisogomphus bivittatus, created 2020/09/13.
297. Anotogaster basalis, created 2020/09/08.
296. Aeshna juncea – Common Hawker, created 2020/09/07.
295. Macromia indica, created 2020/09/01.
294. Ophiogomphus reductus, created 2020/09/01.
293. Neallogaster hermionae, created 2020/08/26.
292. Macromia flavicincta, created 2020/08/25.
291. Bayadera hyalina, created 2020/08/24.
290. Megalestes gyalsey, created 2020/08/20.
289. Gynacanthaeschna sikkima, created 2020/08/20.
288. Somatochlora daviesi, created 2020/08/20.
287. Enallagma cyathigerum – Common Bluet, created 2020/07/18.
286. Megalogomphus superbus, created 2020/06/15.
285. Megalogomphus smithii, created 2020/05/27.
284. Orthetrum andamanicum – Andaman Marsh Hawk, created 2020/05/18.
283. Caconeura t-coerulea, created 2020/05/11.
282. Bradinopyga konkanensis – Konkan Rockdweller, created 2020/05/05.
281. Tetracanthagyna waterhousei, created 2020/04/29.
280. Acrogomphus fraseri, created 2020/04/26.
279. Macromidia donaldi, created 2020/04/26.
278. Lestes malabaricus – Malabar Spreadwing, created 2020/04/26.
277. Chlorogomphus xanthoptera, created 2020/04/26.
276. Chlorogomphus preciosus, created 2020/04/17.
275. Ictinogomphus decoratus – Common Flangetail, created 2020/04/17.
274. Lamelligomphus nilgiriensis – Nilgiri Clawtail, created 2020/04/15.
273. Nososticta nicobarica – Great Nicobar Threadtail, created 2020/04/14.
272. Gomphidia podhigai, created 2020/04/14.
271. Lestes patricia, created 2020/04/14.
270. Asiagomphus odoneli, created 2020/04/14.
269. Asiagomphus nilgiricus, created 2020/04/14.
268. Macromia ellisoni, created 2020/04/11.
267. Idionyx travancorensis, created 2020/04/11.
266. Idionyx saffronata, created 2020/04/11.
265. Idionyx corona, created 2020/04/11.
264. Dubitogomphus bidentatus, created 2020/03/30.
263. Cyclogomphus heterostylus, created 2020/03/07.
262. Ischnura inarmata, created 2019/10/16.
261. Burmagomphus hasimaricus, created 2019/09/24.
260. Burmagomphus sivalikensis, created 2019/09/24.
259. Anisogomphus occipitalis – Shivalik Clubtail, created 2019/09/24.
258. Cyclogomphus flavoannulatus, created 2019/09/15.
257. Paragomphus echinoccipitalis, created 2019/09/01.
256. Phaenandrogomphus aureus, created 2019/09/01.
255. Indothemis limbata – Restless Demon, created 2019/09/01.
254. Lestes thoracicus, created 2019/08/30.
253. Pseudagrion pilidorsum, created 2019/07/26.
252. Gynacantha subinterrupta, created 2019/07/06.
251. Macrogomphus montanus, created 2019/06/11.
250. Megalogomphus flavicolor, created 2019/06/11.
249. Calicnemia miles, created 2019/04/28.
248. Hemicordulia asiatica – Asian Emerald, created 2019/04/25.
247. Protosticta hearseyi, created 2019/04/10.
246. Camacinia harterti, created 2019/04/03.
245. Libellago balus, created 2018/12/19.
244. Protosticta davenporti – Anamalai Reedtail, created 2018/11/26.
243. Lestes garoensis, created 2018/11/13.
242. Gomphidia t-nigrum, created 2018/10/24.
241. Burmagomphus laidlawi, created 2018/10/23.
240. Merogomphus longistigma, created 2018/10/21.
239. Ceriagrion chromothorax – Sindhudurg Marsh Dart, created 2018/10/14.
238. Elattoneura nigerrima, created 2018/10/14.
237. Lyriothemis tricolor, created 2018/08/08.
236. Gynacantha khasiaca, created 2018/08/08.
235. Caconeura risi, created 2018/06/02.
234. Aristocypha hilaryae, created 2018/05/03.
233. Indolestes indicus, created 2018/04/27.
232. Lyriothemis bivittata, created 2018/04/26.
231. Gomphidia leonorae, created 2018/04/23.
230. Anisogomphus caudalis, created 2018/04/14.
229. Platylestes platystylus, created 2018/04/14.
228. Coeliccia renifera, created 2018/04/10.
227. Chlorogomphus mortoni, created 2018/04/04.
226. Aeshna petalura, created 2018/04/02.
225. Megalestes irma, created 2018/04/02.
224. Pseudagrion australasiae – Look-alike Sprite, created 2018/03/22.
223. Protosticta sholai – Shola Reedtail, created 2018/03/02.
222. Sympecma paedisca – Siberian Winter Damsel, created 2017/12/10.
221. Macromia cingulata, created 2017/12/08.
220. Cyclogomphus wilkinsi, created 2017/12/08.
219. Ictinogomphus distinctus, created 2017/12/08.
218. Euphaea pseudodispar – Satara Torrent Dart, created 2017/11/09.
217. Macromia moorei, created 2017/10/07.
216. Macrogomphus wynaadicus – Wayanad Forktail, created 2017/09/24.
215. Polycanthagyna erythromelas, created 2017/09/09.
214. Pseudothemis zonata – Pied Skimmer, created 2017/08/10.
213. Planaeschna poumai, created 2017/08/04.
212. Cephalaeschna acanthifrons, created 2017/08/04.
211. Ischnura forcipata – Forcipate Dartlet, created 2017/07/30.
210. Aristocypha fenestrella, created 2017/07/19.
209. Davidioides martini, created 2017/07/18.
208. Dysphaea gloriosa, created 2017/07/18.
207. Euphaea masoni, created 2017/07/18.
206. Sympetrum speciosum, created 2017/07/13.
205. Coeliccia svihleri, created 2017/07/09.
204. Aristocypha spuria, created 2017/07/07.
203. Macrogomphus seductus, created 2017/06/30.
202. Elattoneura tetrica, created 2017/05/13.
201. Platygomphus dolabratus, created 2017/05/04.
200. Anax parthenope – Lesser Emperor, created 2017/05/03.
199. Epophthalmia frontalis, created 2017/04/02.
198. Microgomphus torquatus, created 2016/12/27.
197. Schmidtiphaea chittaranjani, created 2016/11/04.
196. Perissogomphus stevensi, created 2016/09/27.
195. Coeliccia didyma – Twin-spotted Sylvan, created 2016/09/23.
194. Nychogomphus duaricus, created 2016/09/23.
193. Cyclogomphus ypsilon, created 2016/09/22.
192. Nepogomphus modestus, created 2016/09/11.
191. Burmagomphus pyramidalis – Sinuate Clubtail, created 2016/09/10.
190. Anotogaster nipalensis, created 2016/09/07.
189. Stylogomphus inglisi, created 2016/09/02.
188. Nepogomphus walli, created 2016/08/10.
187. Anisopleura vallei, created 2016/08/09.
186. Lyriothemis acigastra, created 2016/07/19.
185. Heliogomphus promelas – Indian Lyretail, created 2016/06/23.
184. Tramea transmarina, created 2016/06/20.
183. Zygonyx iris – Emerald Cascader, created 2016/03/01.
182. Zyxomma petiolatum – Brown Dusk Hawk, created 2016/03/01.
181. Euthygomphus martini, created 2016/02/29.
180. Burmagomphus divaricatus, created 2016/02/29.
179. Aristocypha cuneata, created 2016/02/29.
178. Macrogomphus annulatus, created 2016/02/29.
177. Esme longistyla, created 2016/01/26.
176. Gynacantha millardi – Khaki Duskhawker, created 2015/12/27.
175. Hydrobasileus croceus – Amber-Winged Marsh Glider, created 2015/12/15.
174. Melligomphus acinaces, created 2015/11/20.
173. Gomphidia kodaguensis, created 2015/11/16.
172. Merogomphus tamaracherriensis, created 2015/11/16.
171. Microgomphus souteri, created 2015/11/16.
170. Brachydiplax sobrina – Little Blue Marsh Hawk, created 2015/11/09.
169. Brachydiplax farinosa – Black-Tailed Dasher, created 2015/11/09.
168. Gynacantha dravida – Brown Darner, created 2015/11/08.
167. Paracercion malayanum – Malayan Lilly-Squatter, created 2015/11/08.
166. Protosticta sanguinostigma – Red-Spot Reedtail, created 2015/11/05.
165. Lyriothemis mortoni, created 2015/10/19.
164. Esme mudiensis – Travancore Bambootail, created 2015/10/15.
163. Epithemis mariae – Ruby Hawklet, created 2015/09/28.
162. Anisopleura subplatystyla, created 2015/09/25.
161. Diplacodes nebulosa – Black-tipped Grounnd Skimmer, created 2015/09/25.
160. Camacinia gigantea – Giant Forest Skimmer, created 2015/09/20.
159. Diplacodes lefebvrii – Black Ground Skimmer, created 2015/09/14.
158. Cratilla lineata – Emerald-Banded Skimmer, created 2015/09/09.
157. Calicnemia carminea, created 2015/09/05.
156. Tramea limbata – Black Marsh Trotter, created 2015/09/05.
155. Orthetrum internum, created 2015/08/11.
154. Agrionoptera insignis – Red Swampdragon, created 2015/08/11.
153. Neurothemis intermedia, created 2015/08/11.
152. Lamelligomphus biforceps, created 2015/07/17.
151. Macrodiplax cora – Estuarine Skimmer, created 2015/07/17.
150. Agriocnemis kalinga – Indian Hooded Dartlet, created 2015/07/09.
149. Anaciaeschna jaspidea – Rusty Darner, created 2015/07/09.
148. Anax guttatus – Lesser Green Emperor, created 2015/07/08.
147. Orthetrum taeniolatum – Small Skimmer, created 2015/07/01.
146. Epophthalmia vittata – Common Torrent Hawk, created 2015/07/01.
145. Tramea virginia, created 2015/07/01.
144. Orthetrum triangulare – Blue-Tailed Forest Hawk, created 2015/06/18.
143. Sympetrum fonscolombii – Red-Veined Darter, created 2015/06/18.
142. Argiocnemis rubescens – Variable Sprite, created 2015/06/08.
141. Hylaeothemis apicalis – Blue Hawklet, created 2015/06/03.
140. Paragomphus lineatus – Lined Hooktail, created 2015/06/02.
139. Aethriamanta brevipennis – Scarlet Marsh Hawk, created 2015/06/02.
138. Acisoma panorpoides – Trumpet-Tail, created 2015/06/01.
137. Tholymis tillarga – Coral-Tailed Cloudwing, created 2015/05/30.
136. Lathrecista asiatica – Asiatic Blood-Tail, created 2015/05/25.
135. Anax ephippiger – Vagrant Emperor, created 2015/05/25.
134. Orthetrum luzonicum – Tri-coloured Marsh Hawk, created 2015/05/25.
133. Anax nigrolineatus – Blue-spotted Emperor, created 2015/05/25.
132. Sympetrum commixtum – Mountain Meadowhawk, created 2015/05/23.
131. Sympetrum orientale, created 2015/05/23.
130. Orthetrum pruinosum – Crimson-tailed Marsh Hawk, created 2015/05/21.
129. Megalestes major – Giant Green Spreadwing, created 2015/05/21.
128. Matrona basilaris, created 2015/05/19.
127. Protosticta ponmudiensis – Travancore Reedtail, created 2015/05/12.
126. Protosticta gravelyi – Pied Reedtail, created 2015/05/12.
125. Phylloneura westermanni – Myristica Bambootail, created 2015/05/12.
124. Orthetrum glaucum – Blue Marsh Hawk, created 2015/05/09.
123. Urothemis signata – Greater Crimson Glider, created 2015/05/09.
122. Trithemis pallidinervis – Long-Legged Marsh Glider, created 2015/05/09.
121. Indothemis carnatica – Light-tipped Demon, created 2015/05/05.
120. Trithemis kirbyi – Scarlet Rock Glider, created 2015/05/04.
119. Amphiallagma parvum – Azure Dartlet, created 2015/04/30.
118. Rhodothemis rufa – Rufous Marsh Glider, created 2015/04/29.
117. Rhyothemis triangularis – Lesser Blue-Wing, created 2015/04/29.
116. Neurothemis fluctuans – Grasshawk Skimmer, created 2015/04/29.
115. Esme cyaneovittata, created 2015/04/29.
114. Palpopleura sexmaculata – Blue-tailed Yellow Skimmer, created 2015/04/23.
113. Brachydiplax chalybea – Rufous-Backed Marsh Hawk, created 2015/04/23.
112. Prodasineura autumnalis – Black Threadtail, created 2015/04/22.
111. Anisopleura comes, created 2015/04/15.
110. Heliocypha perforata – Stream Sapphire, created 2015/04/14.
109. Aristocypha trifasciata – Three-banded Emerald Jewel, created 2015/03/30.
108. Rhyothemis variegata – Common Picturewing, created 2015/03/29.
107. Onychargia atrocyana – Black Marsh Dart, created 2015/03/27.
106. Anax immaculifrons – Magnificent Emperor, created 2015/03/27.
105. Rhyothemis plutonia – Greater Blue-Wing, created 2015/03/25.
104. Onychothemis testacea – Riverhawker, created 2015/03/22.
103. Euphaea thosegharensis – Thoseghar Torrent Dart, created 2015/03/22.
102. Ictinogomphus rapax – Indian Common Clubtail, created 2015/03/22.
101. Trithemis aurora – Crimson Marsh Glider, created 2015/03/22.
100. Orthetrum sabina – Green Marsh Hawk, created 2015/03/22.
99. Diplacodes trivialis – Blue Ground Skimmer, created 2015/03/18.
98. Amphithemis vacillans, created 2015/03/18.
97. Ceriagrion azureum – Azure Marsh Dart, created 2015/02/17.
96. Pantala flavescens – Wandering Glider, created 2015/02/15.
95. Pseudagrion microcephalum – Blue Sprite, created 2015/02/15.
94. Potamarcha congener – Yellow-tailed Ashy Skimmer, created 2015/02/15.
93. Neurothemis tullia – Pied Paddy Skimmer, created 2015/02/15.
92. Brachythemis contaminata – Ditch Jewel, created 2015/02/15.
91. Bradinopyga geminata – Granite Ghost, created 2015/02/15.
90. Orthetrum chrysis – Brown-Backed Marsh Hawk, created 2015/02/14.
89. Crocothemis servilia – Scarlet Skimmer, created 2015/02/14.
88. Agriocnemis femina – Pruinosed Dartlet, created 2015/01/23.
87. Paracercion calamorum – Dusky Lilly-squatter, created 2015/01/18.
86. Trithemis festiva – Black Stream Glider, created 2015/01/18.
85. Neurothemis fulvia – Fulvous Forest Skimmer, created 2015/01/18.
84. Tramea basilaris – Red Marsh Trotter, created 2015/01/18.
83. Pseudagrion spencei, created 2015/01/18.
82. Anax indicus – Elephant Emperor, created 2014/12/14.
81. Pseudagrion malabaricum – Malabar Sprite, created 2014/12/11.
80. Anisopleura lestoides, created 2014/12/10.
79. Pseudagrion indicum – Yellow-striped Sprite, created 2014/12/09.
78. Philoganga montana, created 2014/12/09.
77. Agriocnemis clauseni, created 2014/12/04.
76. Calocypha laidlawi – Myristica Sapphire, created 2014/12/04.
75. Tetrathemis platyptera – Pigmy Skimmer, created 2014/11/20.
74. Agriocnemis pieris – Indian White Dartlet, created 2014/11/14.
73. Pseudagrion hypermelas – Lavender Sprite, created 2014/11/13.
72. Pseudagrion decorum – Three-lined Sprite, created 2014/11/13.
71. Indosticta deccanensis – Saffron Reedtail, created 2014/11/13.
70. Archibasis oscillans – Long-banded Bluetail, created 2014/11/09.
69. Indocnemis orang, created 2014/11/06.
68. Drepanosticta carmichaeli – Indo-Chinese Blue Reedtail, created 2014/11/02.
67. Indolestes gracilis – Mountain Reedling, created 2014/10/30.
66. Bayadera indica, created 2014/10/28.
65. Dysphaea ethela – Black Torrent Dart, created 2014/10/27.
64. Euphaea dispar – Nilgiri Torrent Dart, created 2014/10/27.
63. Ischnura senegalensis – Senegal Golden Dartlet, created 2014/10/22.
62. Ischnura rufostigma, created 2014/10/22.
61. Ischnura nursei – Pixie Dartlet, created 2014/10/22.
60. Ischnura mildredae, created 2014/10/22.
59. Ischnura rubilio – Western Golden Dartlet, created 2014/10/21.
58. Caconeura ramburi – Indian Blue Bambootail, created 2014/10/20.
57. Melanoneura bilineata, created 2014/10/19.
56. Euphaea fraseri – Malabar Torrent Dart, created 2014/10/19.
55. Euphaea cardinalis – Travancore Torrent Dart, created 2014/10/19.
54. Euphaea ochracea, created 2014/10/19.
53. Dysphaea walli – Sapphire Torrent Dart, created 2014/10/19.
52. Mortonagrion aborense, created 2014/10/18.
51. Mortonagrion varralli, created 2014/10/17.
50. Agriocnemis splendidissima – Splendid Dartlet, created 2014/10/17.
49. Copera vittata – Blue Bush Dart, created 2014/10/16.
48. Copera marginipes – Yellow Bush Dart, created 2014/10/16.
47. Pseudocopera ciliata – Pied Bush Dart, created 2014/10/16.
46. Disparoneura apicalis – Black-tipped Bambootail, created 2014/10/16.
45. Calicnemia nipalica, created 2014/10/13.
44. Calicnemia mortoni, created 2014/10/13.
43. Prodasineura verticalis – Red-striped Black Threadtail, created 2014/10/13.
42. Disparoneura quadrimaculata – Black-winged Bambootail, created 2014/10/13.
41. Elattoneura campioni, created 2014/10/12.
40. Ceriagrion rubiae – Orange Marsh Dart, created 2014/10/12.
39. Ceriagrion olivaceum – Rusty Marsh Dart, created 2014/10/12.
38. Ceriagrion fallax – Black-tailed Marsh Dart, created 2014/10/12.
37. Ceriagrion coromandelianum – Coromandel Marsh Dart, created 2014/10/12.
36. Ceriagrion cerinorubellum – Orange-tailed Marsh Dart, created 2014/10/12.
35. Agriocnemis keralensis – Kerala Dartlet, created 2014/10/09.
34. Agriocnemis pygmaea – Pygmy Dartlet, created 2014/10/09.
33. Agriocnemis lacteola – Milky Dartlet, created 2014/10/08.
32. Aciagrion pallidum – Pale Slender Dartlet, created 2014/10/08.
31. Aciagrion occidentale – Green-striped Slender Dartlet, created 2014/10/08.
30. Aciagrion approximans – Indian Violet Dartlet, created 2014/10/08.
29. Elattoneura atkinsoni, created 2014/10/05.
28. Coeliccia schmidti, created 2014/10/04.
27. Coeliccia bimaculata, created 2014/10/04.
26. Pseudagrion rubriceps – Saffron-faced Blue Sprite, created 2014/10/03.
25. Calicnemia eximia, created 2014/09/24.
24. Lestes elatus – Emerald Spreadwing, created 2014/09/14.
23. Calicnemia miniata, created 2014/09/14.
22. Libellago andamanensis – Andaman Heliodor, created 2014/09/13.
21. Chlorogomphus campioni – Nilgiri Mountain Hawk, created 2014/09/13.
20. Calicnemia erythromelas, created 2014/09/12.
19. Calicnemia imitans, created 2014/09/12.
18. Echo margarita, created 2014/08/28.
17. Paracypha unimaculata – Emerald Prince, created 2014/08/12.
16. Vestalis apicalis – Black-tipped Forest Glory, created 2014/06/23.
15. Libellago indica – Southern Heliodor, created 2014/06/22.
14. Heliocypha biforata, created 2014/06/19.
13. Libellago lineata – River Heliodor, created 2014/06/12.
12. Aristocypha quadrimaculata, created 2014/06/12.
11. Heliocypha bisignata – Stream Ruby, created 2014/06/12.
10. Vestalis gracilis – Clear-winged Forest Glory, created 2014/06/06.
9. Neurobasis chinensis – Stream Glory, created 2014/06/05.
8. Lestes viridulus – Emerald-striped Spreadwing, created 2014/06/04.
7. Caliphaea confusa, created 2014/06/03.
6. Matrona nigripectus, created 2014/05/30.
5. Lestes concinnus – Dusky Spreadwing, created 2014/04/19.
4. Lestes nodalis, created 2014/04/19.
3. Lestes dorothea, created 2014/04/05.
2. Lestes praemorsus – Scalloped Spreadwing, created 2014/04/05.
1. Indolestes cyaneus, created 2014/04/04.

Page citation

Joshi, S., and D. Sawant 2025. HISTORY OF SPECIES PAGES ON BUTTERFLIES OF INDIA WEBSITE . In (Chief Editors). Butterflies of India, v. . Indian Foundation for Butterflies.